My first Gemlog

Hi! This is the first gemlog i've created, and.... I'm not sure what to write about, but I'll try just writing, maybe something will spring to mind.

Opinions on Gemini:

So I've only been using and browsing Gemini for a bit now, and i love it ,though in my opinion i PERSONALLY thing that a little more support for different media might be cool, but no one is gonna add that, i don't even know if i really would want that, so blehhh. And i think the current status of no we're not adding features is good, cuz you avoid it being a case of "oh what if we added a little bit of cool styling! and images... oh and javascript can add some little interactivity and oh cookies and wow and yeah and oh wait this is just the web...". Soooo yeah... Gemini is pretty cool.

What i think should improve (not that i would do it, i mean maybe, when i get good enough) are some of the browsers, (especially support for certificates... looking at whatever is going on in amfora) but the Browser i would develop, is an easily theme-able, GTK based, certificate supporting (and i mean auto certificates), lightweight browser (that maybe supports previewing media before downloading, like an inbuilt image viewer, music/video player; I think this could possibly be done through MPV, for all of these, i've seen it used in some very light weight stuff).

Servers i do not know enough about yet to comment, but flounder is nice and free so yippee!
